Marilyn Oakley Sifford is a song writer of great emotional depth. Her songs are not designed by formula or by any intention to copy the “crowd”. Each song speaks to a cause, an emotion or a life situation.
As a songwriter, Marilyn brings great warmth and sensitivity to her work. Sharing her music with the world has become her life’s mission!
_Chuck Anderson
Anderson Music Productions, Inc


“Marilyn Sifford writes and sings from the heart. I have enjoyed her songs for years. Now that she has gone public with them, friends old and new may at last hear her unique voice.”

_Marvin Weisbord

Marilyn’s music expresses a remarkable range of universal experiences and feelings. As she describes life growing up on a farm in North Carolina and sings of family times and traditions or holiday magic, special moments and stories of our own lives come to us. Her children’s music, from Waltz of the Fireflies to Wind in Your Sails, awakens the child in each person, just as her songs about challenges of our times urge us to work harder to lift up the common good. Love, memory and possibility permeate her music.

If I had to choose only one genre, it would perhaps be her inspirational music: When You Imagine, Your Spirit Flies, Why Are We Here, Show Me the Way, and Golden Moments. The music enters my heart and soul, bringing love, understanding and hope.

Marilyn sings with warmth and a clear beauty, altering her range, vibrato, tempo and phrasing to reach our very being. Spanning country to pop to swing music, her voice is distinctive and appealing. She engages us with melody, and before long, we join with her in the chorus, soon after memorizing stanzas. Her songs reverberate long after we stop listening, with phrases popping into song in our heads unexpectedly.

There is such joy and pleasure in Marilyn’s music. Her songs enter our hearts deftly and quickly—and stay forever. What a gift! “ Janet Haas

“Marilyn’s music and lyrics are beautiful, inspiring and up-lifting. It expresses a deep spirituality without being religious so that everyone can connect and relate to it. She writes insightful songs about nature’s metaphorical connection to people and people’s connection to each other, life and the world. Her lyrics contain beautiful images, clearly expressed, that perfectly capture a feeling, a moment in time, an emotional state, a milestone that resonates deeply. Her music is joyful, celebrating all parts of life, the good with the bad, and how we can learn from both parts to continue to wonder, dream and grow”.

_Carole Cohn

My song ,Love Lives On, was inspired by memories of my sister who died at age 22. It is a favorite of my friend Michele.
“What a tribute to your sister! I understand now why I connected to it. It’s about the cherished lives gone way too soon that we will love forever.”

_Michele Woods

Karol’s favorite song is “Girl’s Best Friend”, a song inspired by my special Miniature Schnauzer and muse, Browzer.
Karol writes, “… the refrain of the song goes, “You’re the best friend a girl can ever have”. Every time I think of those words….I see the face of my beautiful and devoted Springer Spaniel, Jeff–the only pet I ever had. Marilyn’s song brought back many treasured memories.

_Karol M. Wasylyshyn

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