Early Years

Marilyn-2020I was raised, one of seven children, on a family farm in North Carolina where we all did our part to help the family thrive. In addition to tobacco, we grew lots of fruits and vegetables for canning and freezing, and raised chickens, pigs, beef, and milk cows to feed our family of nine year round.

Long working hours provided mental space for daydreaming – a space where music and singing became an important part of my life. The whole family enjoyed music and often gathered around the piano to sing with my sister Joan accompanying. I sang in school and church choirs, sometimes as a soloist. During my senior year of high school, I directed a children’s choir at my church. My only formal training at that time was 3 years of piano lessons. Each of the three girls in our family took 3 years of piano lessons consecutively.


At the age of 31, when my brother Mark asked me to sing at his wedding, I was inspired to write a song for the occasion. It was well received and very intrinsically rewarding but it didn’t occur to me until 30 years later, that I might be able to write another song.

In 2006, 2 years after Bob and I came to our current home which I call Whitehall, I got a Miniature Schnauzer…he changed my life. The story of how Browzer and I found each other is told in Browzer’s song, Girl’s Best Friend. I think of Browzer as my muse because it was during our daily walks and time in our gardens that most of my songs were conceived. I sincerely believe that without him, I would never have written another song. Browzer crossed the ‘rainbow bridge’ in November of 2019. He will always live in my heart.

As of June 2020, I’ve written and recorded 39 songs spanning many genres–pop, swing, country, inspirational, nature, children’s songs, social causes, holiday and specialty songs. The lyrics come from life experiences that often strike universal themes. Most tell stories… about life, love, loss, and renewal; some describe special moments with nature or highlight some of the challenges of our time. The melodies often leave my husband, Bob humming long after he’s stopped listening.

Our most recent project has been to create an instrumental version of each of the songs. The lead melodies have been masterfully recorded by Ron Kerber and Chuck Anderson.

My Musical Journey

I’m very fortunate to have found Chuck Anderson, world renowned jazz guitarist, and music educator, with whom to collaborate in arranging and producing my recordings. With his remarkable depth of musical expertise, and broad experience in the production of all types of music, we’ve written chord progressions and arrangements that capture the feeling, the mood and the message of each song. His encouragement, assistance and dedication to my ‘project’ have enabled me to give life to the music, and to the dream of presenting it to the ‘world’. I am forever grateful for the journey!

If my music resonates with you please take a moment to write me a note in the Contact section of this website. I would love to hear from you about your reactions, your favorites……

edited 6/9//2020